A cheap and quiet water cooled air conditioning system using a bunch of fans, water pumps and Lego.
How I used a BBC micro:bit, an Arduino and a bunch of Neopixels to build a gesture controlled lamp.
How I attached a Raspberry Pi and camera module to a drone to record first person video footage.
How I used 600 LEDs and 576 glowing ping-pong balls to make a giant outdoor installation for a festival.
How I used a Raspberry Pi to build a wearable camera to take timelapse videos on holiday.
An authentication service without passwords
Our own suit of virtual reality kits made within a 24hr hackathon
A Raspberry Pi strapped to a DSLR camera which automatically uploads images to Dropbox
How I built a WiFi controlled car built with the Intel Edison
A boombox on wheels which follows you around playing Christmas music.
A satire game based on CityLink's poor customer service.
A gaming system helping to bring together Mc Donald's and their customers.
An app for Razer Nabu users to see other gamers close to them.
Turning a 12 year old into the next Iron Man
A game which raises money for charity
A rover robot controlled by an Arduino
A Rube Goldberg machine consisting of daisy-chaining lots of different APIs and technologies together.
Smartchef takes some of the effort out of cooking by automating a significant portion of the cooking process.
Utilise the quality of your exercises.
Price Trakker officially gets accepted into the TrueStart investment hub specifically designed to support innovation in the retail, consumer and fashion sectors.
A business intelligence dashboard for Sainsbury's store managers.
A Blogging platform for hackathon enthusiasts.
An app which allows educators to track the movement of students to better retention rates.
An app for the 'Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs' which gives members of the public personalized live flooding information and advice.
The Search engine for your High Street.
An App which gives drivers directions to the closest locations, in Westminster, most likely to have an empty parking space, taking into account preferences for space actually being available, distance to drive and probability of experiencing vehicle/personal crime close to the parking bay.
Allowing governments to open up public data to citizens.
A secure NSA-proof messaging app.
A .Net libary built to help users control their Philips Hue lighting systems via the cloud.
A Chrome Extension which replaces every image on the ineternet to a random picture of a cat.
A way of shopping for the perfect dress from all of your favorite stores at the same time.
Allowing music lovers to visualise their music data.
My blog post about how I strted my company PriceTrakker using Microsoft technology as a student